20 Old-School Visions Of The Future That Were Ahead Of The Curve
Carly Tennes
Though smartphones, wearable tech, and whatever AI monstrosities ChatGPT continues churning out may continually prove that the future is now, the future has been here for quite some time. Case in point? The retro-futuristic gadgets and spaces that dominated the '60s, '70s and '80s.
From sick concept cars to orb-like 8-track players, here are 20 old-school visions of the future that were ahead of the curve.
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1. Flying Saucers
Courtesy of an unknown Redditor“Futuristic gas station in Kyiv, Ukraine, 1979.” -
2. Behind the Wheel
Courtesy of betamax1967 on Reddit“The Pontiac Club de Mer, The Jet Age-Inspired Concept Car 1956.” -
3. Dome Sweet Dome
Courtesy of Both-Basis-3723 on Reddit“Dad standing on a geodesic dome he made by hand 1972. Miss you, you nut!” -
4. Stairway to Heaven
Courtesy of RadicallyRetro_com on Reddit“Detroit Science Center - Designed by William Kessler and Associates (1979).” -
5. Sweep It Up
Courtesy of J3ttf on Reddit“The 1963 Hoover Constellation car, used to advertise during the Tour de France.” -
6. Turn it Up
Courtesy of RadicallyRetro_com on Reddit“An image appearing in an ad for the Continental 2 Stereo Round.” -
7. Club Classics
Courtesy of RadicallyRetro_com on Reddit“Nightclub Il Grifoncino, 1968. Bozen, Italy. Interior design by Cesare Casati, Gino Marotta & Emmanuele Ponzio.” -
8. Office Space
Courtesy of RadicallyRetro_com on Reddit“Futuristic desk design - date and designer unknown.” -
9. Riding On
Courtesy of 1BLUJWAY on eBayA woman sits atop a Firebird IV Concept Car -
10. Future Furnishings
Courtesy of RadicallyRetro_com on Reddit“I know when I think of cutting-edge furniture design, I think of the global chemical & oil company, Amoco.” -
11. Can Compute
Courtesy of RadicallyRetro_com on Reddit“Sharp X1 (aka CZ-800C) (1982).” -
12. Charging On
Courtesy of Car and Driver“Magazine scans of the Dodge Charger III concept car. 1968.” -
13. Tunnel Vision
Courtesy of 4reddityo on Reddit“This is the neon tunnel entrance to 127 John Street in July 1971 which was then an office building. Photo was taken by my father when he worked in the building.” -
14. Future Calling
Courtesy of an unknown Redditor“Retro-future office from the 1964 World's Fair.” -
15. Pondering The Orb
Courtesy of joepaulk7 on Reddit“Burger King and futuristic 8-track players (around 1974).” -
16. Ticket to Ride
Courtesy of an unknown Redditor“Taking a tour of the brand new, ultra-futuristic Paris metro system. 1972.” -
17. Model Behavior
Courtesy of Charlie820407 on Reddit“1966-My mom worked for the phone company and they had this magazine she modeled in. She’s the hottie with the beehive. I guess they were going for a futuristic look. It looks like she is holding a ray gun.” -
18. All Aboard
Courtesy of kibblenbits on Reddit“Ride the train! The ‘Mercury’ train 1936 (colorized).” -
19. Cool Car
Courtesy of tempuraflakes on Reddit“My mom posing with a 'futuristic' car she and my grandparents came across when on vacation in Germany, summer of 1958.” -
20. Conceptually Crazy
Courtesy of poo_poo_undies on RedditThe all-white futuristic interior of a Toyota concept car.
- 20 Old-School Visions Of The Future That Were Ahead Of The Curve
- The 50 Funniest Tweets from the Last 24 Hours
Flying Saucers
“Futuristic gas station in Kyiv, Ukraine, 1979.”
“Futuristic gas station in Kyiv, Ukraine, 1979.”